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Methods defined here:
- Reset(self)
- Show(self, **cfg)
- UpdateLatMinMax(self)
- Dynamically change the range and precision of slider widget.
- UpdateLonMinMax(self)
- Dynamically change the range and precision of slider widget.
- UpdateTiltMinMax(self)
- Dynamically change the range and precision of slider widget.
- UpdateTurnMinMax(self)
- Dynamically change the range and precision of slider widget.
- UpdateZoomMinMax(self)
- Dynamically change the range and precision of slider widget.
- __init__(self, ren, iren, root=None, properties={}, layout=(), title=None, balloon=None)
- Constructor.
ren: a vtkRederer instance
iren: a vtkTkRenderWindowInteractor instance
root: can be a Tkinter.Tk() instance
Data and other attributes defined here:
- OPTION_LAT = 'Latitude'
- OPTION_LATMINMAX = 'Latitude Min,Max,Delta'
- OPTION_LON = 'Longitude'
- OPTION_LONMINMAX = 'Longitude Min,Max,Delta'
- OPTION_TILT = 'Tilt'
- OPTION_TILTMINMAX = 'Tilt Min,Max,Delta'
- OPTION_TURN = 'Turn'
- OPTION_TURNMINMAX = 'Turn Min,Max,Delta'
- OPTION_ZOOM = 'Zoom'
- OPTION_ZOOMMINMAX = 'Zoom Min,Max,Delta'