Methods defined here:
- BindBalloon(self, widget, msg)
- @param widget: a Tkinter or Pmw widget instance
@type msg: string
@param msg: balloon message
- CreateDisplay(self, nc)
- Create display trace variable
@param nc: typically a netcdf file object
- CreateGenericGui(self, properties, layout, callback=None, save_load=True, reset=True)
- Destruct(self)
- Explicit destructor for unbinding, etc.
Since invokation of __del__ by garbage collection is not practically deterministic,
and using the 'del' operator doesn't guarantee invokation of __del__ either,
this should be used instead.
- Get(self, name=None)
- Overloaded getter.
Get(name) returns a value
Get() returns all values as a dict
- GetDefaultWidgetCallback(self)
- RegisterElevation(self, elev=None)
- Pipelines with elevation slider should invoke this method in __init__
@param elev: a Tkinter.IntVar() instance or None
- RegisterTime(self, time=None)
- @param time: a Tkinter.IntVar() instance or None
- Set(self, name, vals)
- Overloaded setter.
Set('Options', {...})
Set('Elevation', iz)
Set('Field' , var)
- SetModified(self, *args, **kargs)
- A necessary evil to get the scene to render because a global Render function
doesn't exist.
- Show(self, **cfg)
- Show/display Gui by invoking Configure methods of Tkinter objects.
Uses logic to check existance of 'display' Tkinter object for
displaying metadata field(s), and an 'elevSlider'.
Assumes that a nvGenericGui instance 'gui' is always defined.
- UpdateDataMinMax(self)
- Updates Data Min/Max widgets so they're synchronized with
the pipeline's values.
- UpdateElevation(self, *args)
- Set pipeline's option with this function because an Elevation
Slider that isn't part of the Generic GUI generated the event.
- UpdateElevationSlider(self)
- Creates or synchronizes an elevation slider with the pipeline's
There is no need
for this PipelineGui to keep a reference to the elevation axis
outside of this function.
Backwards compatible with 'RegisterElevation'.
- UpdateFieldsDisplay(self)
- Create or update informative display for multiple
fields as listed in the associated pipeline's 'Fields' option.
If the option only returns a single string, then only one
field is displayed.
- UpdateValidRange(self)
- Updates Valid Range Min/Max widgets so they're synchronized with
the pipeline's values.
- WidgetCallback(self, name, val, ignore=[], *args, **kargs)
- Default callback for gui widgets (not including menus) when user
modifies a widget.
This will first call SetOption for the pipeline with the value
of a widget with the same option name, and then it will update/sync
any widgets that have a dependence due to a pipeline's
potential side-effects.
@type name: any, but typically a string
@param name: key into dictionary of gui widgets
@type val: any, defined by a widget's output
@param val: output for a widget that caused the callback
@type ignore: list of strings
@param ignore: widget names that shouldn't be processed by this callback function when inherited class uses a callback in addition to this one.
- __init__(self, root=None, title=None, balloon=None)
- @param balloon: tooltip popup window
@param root: Tkinter window master
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'nvBasePipelineGui' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)